Central Council logo, a circle of overlapping bell shapes

Ellacombe Bicentenary Celebrations

You will remember the article recently published in the Ringing World regarding the bicentenary of the invention of the Ellacombe Chimes ringing frame.

On the 26 June 2021, a worldwide celebration starting at noon in New Zealand, will work its way across the world during the subsequent 17 hours, where bells will be chiming at noon local time in each of the major time zones.  All churches with working Ellacombe apparatus are invited to participate and can register by contacting Mike Gates at mg122@btinternet.com You can see a list of all those currently supporting this event at http://www.bittonhistory.org.uk/ellacombe-chimes/ and clicking on the List of Participants.

Over this last year the Ellacombe apparatus has been very instrumental in keeping bells heard at a time when we have been unable to ring in groups.  Those with installations have been able to chime and ring methods and it has brought attention to the importance of this invention borne out of Belfry Reform in the 1800s.

If you are participating in this event, you can log details of your ringing on Bellboard at https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/event.php?id=13534

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